
Private Yoga Sessions

1-on-1 at home

Private sessions are a special opportunity to work closely with a teacher who shows up 100% for you. Historically, the student-teacher relationship played a fundamental role in the study of yoga. The ancient teachers guided each student individually through life challenges and spiritual discovery, using Asanas (physical poses) and Pranayama (breathing exercises) in preparation for long periods of meditation. 

Frustrated or COnfused Trying to follow group classes? wondering if you're doing poses safely?

Our work together will be a personal and reassuring process with 1-on-1 attention guiding you every step of the way through your practice.

We will create a sacred space where you can move and breathe in a way that improves your flexibility and strength, as well as reduces tension, anxiety and stress.

No Fear. No Limits. No excuses. You need to be a beginner before you can be anything else.

Every journey starts by embracing wherever you are now. From there, we will customize our sessions to inspire and support your practice to meet your unique physical, emotional and spiritual needs. 

Private sessions are guided by your needs and draw influence from styles including:

  • Vinyasa (active, flowing, warming)

  • Yin (slow, deep stretching)

  • Restorative (resting with supportive props, calming)

  • If you are seeking a practice that is less physically demanding, we offer Guided Meditations and Energy Healing sessions. 


How Does This Go?

  1. Get in touch! Send an email or complete the online request form. We will schedule a time to consult on the phone to make sure we are the right fit. 

  2. Next, we schedule an Introductory Session in your home or office. We will assess your needs and explore what you're looking for in a yoga practice.

  3. Then, we create a plan to work together (1-3 times each week) with sessions continually refined to help you access your highest and most activated self.       

    * We ask for a commitment of at least 3 months to start.* 

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Workplace Yoga and Corporate Wellness

Why yoga at work?

Employer Benefits

Improved productivity and creativity

Reduced employee turnover

Fewer sick days

Lower health care costs

Employee Benefits

Improved mental clarity and concentration

Increased energy

Relief from back and neck pain

Reduced stress and anxiety

Jill brings a powerful combination of mind-body wellness, marketing communications, product development and event planning derived from over 25 years of experience inspiring human connections in multi-national corporations, start-ups, non-profits, neighborhoods and schools.

Unlike many yoga teachers, Jill has a keen understanding of how to adapt her teaching to serve to the unique dynamics of the workplace. She considers the mindset her students maintain at work and ensures all class offerings are appropriate and safe.

With Soul Deep Private Yoga, Jill delivers a distinctive approach to yoga which brings working professionals alive- integrating creativity, mindfulness and space for self-inquiry.


Sample Corporate Classes

UNPLUG EXPRESS: 45 minutes

Escape from your desk for just 45 minutes with your Soul Deep Private Yoga guide and emerge relaxed, calm and ready to focus on the rest of your day! This class combines movements to release physical tension, breathing to calm the nervous system and a guided meditation to settle the wandering mind. 


Breathe, stretch and move with intention. Release stiffness and tension from the back, shoulders and neck. Relieve focus fatigue from staring at a computer screen. Refresh the mind and energize the body. Emerge alert and focused, ready to tackle whatever comes next!

How Does Corporate Yoga Work?

Since every organization and its employees are unique, we begin with a Discovery Meeting to understand your needs and how best to complement your corporate wellness initiatives. We would be honored to work with your team to design and deliver classes that fit your time, budget and personnel requirements. 


1. Set Your Schedule: Choose a weekly, monthly, or quarterly schedule. Book your desired number of 45- or 60-minute group sessions.

2. Set Aside Space: Designate an open area like a conference room or other low traffic space.

3. Get Mats and Clothes Ready: Employees bring their own mats and wear comfortable, easy to move-in clothes. 

3. Relax! We will arrive on time and guide your employees to feel relaxed, productive and appreciated. 

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Executive Private Sessions

We recognize the value of your time and the challenges that interfere with your productivity. Customized 1-on-1 sessions in the convenience of your office are an efficient way to reset, relax and recharge so you can return to your work with more energy, greater mental clarity and less muscular tension. We alleviate the hassle of time and travel for professionals in high-power, high-stress jobs. Refuel and refresh!



Recommended Yoga Supplies

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A few props can help you get the most out of your private yoga sessions.

For convenience, you can click through the links to shop at online retailers. However, we encourage you to shop around for the best prices and let us know if you have any questions.

Note: It is not necessary to purchase anything prior to your introductory session.

Most Useful Props for Everyone

Yoga Mat Jade Harmony is my personal favorite. 68” length is standard.

(2) Cork 4” Blocks Dimensions 4” x 6” x 9”.

Other Stuff to Consider

Yoga Strap 6’ or 8’ with metal D-ring

Blanket(s) Mexican-style heavy weight blanket (approx 54” x 78” and 3.2 lbs)

Yoga Bolster Bolsters are great, but we can use your blanket as an alternative.


Guided Meditation

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Learn how to find the balance between Sthira and Sukha. These are the feelings of steadiness and ease, stability and peace, as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Using the breath as our guide, we will explore our way into a meditative state, without the distractions of a whirling mind and restless physical body. 

We will use the physical yoga poses, called asanas, to strengthen areas of weakness and soften areas of tension, embracing acceptance as we move closer to equilibrium. Discover how it feels to allow things to just "be", to cultivate balance in your life, both on and off the mat.  

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Energy Healing: Reiki + Yoga

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Experience the powerful union of these two ancient traditions. The unique combination of Reiki + Yoga helps to open and clear the energy channels in the body and increase the flow of universal life force energy (called Prana in India and Ki in Japan).

This soothing practice combines selected yoga poses, each held for several minutes, with a Reiki treatment offered by your practitioner to support and boost the body's natural healing and cleansing processes. Remove blockages, restore balance and open the doors to mindfulness, intuition and inner peace.

How Reiki + Yoga works:

We begin with slow, intentional breath and guided meditation, followed by a gentle, flowing asana practice. From there, we ease into stillness, finding a comfortable supported seat or reclined position. The practitioner's hands will be positioned over your body, with or without touch. We concentrate on the Chakras, energy centers along the spine, and on the main internal organs. As the receiver, you need only to be open, release expectations and enjoy the relaxation!

Reiki Principles:

Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbors and every living thing.


Ready to begin your yoga journey with Soul Deep Private Yoga?